Saturday, August 23, 2008

Distributing tracts

In America it is illegal to put anything in any mail box. In France it is perfectly legal. The Christians here say "Ah ha, we can distribute tracts in mailboxes".

Today Stephane, Jeremie (my director's sons), Rachel (their cousin), and I distributed in Recquignies, the town where Stephan and Jeremie live. We did the whole town and distributed around 941 tracts in mailboxes. We were on bike and on foot to give out this tract here, "Le message essentiel" (which easily translates to "The Essential Message").

We now pray for responses that the people who receive the tract that they would come to know the Living God. Sometimes when there were people already outside and we handed the tract to them. From those people I noticed a positive response to at least receiving the tract.

1 comment:

The King Family said...

So glad to be able to read about your time in France!