Saturday, May 31, 2008

Je suis là (I am here)

I waited as everyone boarded the plain to Brussels. I watched as the gate seating area emptied the monitor informed me that business class was filled and probably coach as well and even if there were room in first class I couldn't sit there as standy. When It looked like everyone was on I went again to talk to the man at the counter (in my head I was preparing myself to accept that I would need to make arrangements to stay the night in DC until the next days flight. He said he would see what he could do and we just needed some luck, to me that meant prayer. In a minute he called me up asking me to follow his instructions carefully. That I am to take my ticket but there is someone there and this person in business class is to change seats to first class.

God is good. He is faithful. He worked things out. On my way down I read Psalms starting at ch 1 and I continued to Brussels. I read up to Ch 42.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Arrived in Chicago

Yesterday my flight took off at 8:15 am. My family, my pastor, youth pastor and a deacon came to see me off. I was chosen for a more thorough search, which went great. At the gate my stand-by ticket was turned into a Economy Plus seat at the exit row which meant more leg room.

I am here at the BLF USA offices for a briefing before going to France. I will be here one more night and leave 1:30 pm Chicago for Brussels, Belgium with a layover in Dulles (Washington DC). I am flying standby and as of right now the Chicago to Dulles flight has lots of room but the empty seats on the Dulles to Brussels flight are growing fewer. I would prefer not to spend the night in DC but I am willing to accept the adventure where ever God takes me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last day

Today is the day when I finish packing and pick up last minute items. God is faithful.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

visa in hand

A couple of days ago I received a Fed-ex envelope and inside was my passport with the visa inside I am official now no red tape left. Well there is the whole standby ticket thing. There is plenty of room but... it is exciting I might not get on the flight that day or.... I might get bumped up to business class.

Monday, May 5, 2008

MY FRENCH ADVENTURE May 08 Back in France 31 May

Hello everyone
Here is my May update. I currently have 86% of my monthly support. I will be leaving Seattle May 28 and arriving in France May 31 with one day in Chicago. Thank you for your prayers. You can either download the version I designed to look nice or just read the text in this email.

To download this newsletter in color click here: MY FRENCH ADVENTURE May 08 Back in France May 31

If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it for free
here: Adobe Acrobat Reader

God bless
Nathan Phillips


MY FRENCH ADVENTURE May 08 Back in France May 31

Hello Friends,
I need to apologize for not updating you on what I have been doing. My computer died and it took a while to find all the email addresses. My email that is working best now is I was fully supported at my previous goal of $1,958 but there is always the unknown factor, which can intervene at any time. Since my quota was set in June 2007, the US dollar has fallen even further. At this point my departure won't be delayed but I am at 86% of my monthly goal of $2,329 and I have 100% of the $4,000 in start up costs. I want thank all of you who have supported me in prayer and financially. If you would like to partner with me financially to reach others for Christ you can email me or call me. I will be flying from Seattle to Chicago May 28th. Then I will stay a day in Wheaton in the BLF office. I will leave Chicago May 30th and arrive in France on the 31st. Before leaving I flew down to the French consulate in beautiful San Francisco to apply for my Long-stay French visa. It took a quick 13 days to get the call of approval.

Did you know?
Just a short walk from the BLF Europe print shop in France is a windmill that dates back to the 1100’s. There are plans to restore the blades that have come off over time.

Giving God 100%

Getting very close to going back to France and again working at the print shop makes me think of when I first arrived back in Seattle after a full year in France. I wanted to jump back on a plane to return to France. Looking back I have grown tremendously in many ways. Since being back in the great Northwest I have spoken and sometimes preached at (21) twenty- one churches and one school. I’ve driven from Seattle to as far north as Bellingham, Washington, as far south as Oakland, Oregon as far east as Boise, Idaho and as far west as Sequim, Washington. I have learned a lot and become more confident at public speaking and sharing what God has put on my heart. I have also learned more about God and who He is. One night in the past couple months as I was laying my thoughts before God asking him to provide 100% of my support so that I could return to serving him in France. Then thought came to me “Have I given 100% of myself to God?”. Too often I ask God to provide for me when I have yet to surrender all of myself to him. I am still working on giving God 100% of myself daily. I believe only when we give ourselves 100% to God we can experience true joy.

Youtube video

Have you ever wondered how the books on your shelf were made? I have put together a couple of videos
of how books are made at BLF Europe. The videos can be viewed at:

Urgent needs in Europe

There are several key positions that BLF Europe is lacking. See the list of positions below. If you or someone you know has skills in these areas and would like to work with a great team in France while
serving God you can contact Tom Rice the personnel director: Please pray that these positions are filled and pray for the staff that is currently working hard while we seek God for
additional staff.

BLF Europe
Missionary opportunities:
Accountant – manage and oversee publishing house financial operation
Bindery Operator - operate machinery involved in all aspects of bindery
Equipment maintenance - maintain bindery equipment
Pressman - experience necessary
Printer Apprentice - assistant to pressman
Production Coordinator
Graphic Artist Assistant -
assist with book & promotional art work
Office Assistant - variety of duties
Building maintenance - repair and renovations
Host & Hostess couples - care for Impression Teams

• Praise God for supplying 86% pledged monthly support.
• Praise God for good health. I have been running 10 miles (16km) weekly
• Praise God my visa is approved and they should mail it to me soon.
• Please pray that the rest of my monthly support would come in. $321 more will put me at 100%
• Please pray for the staff currently working in France and that more staff would come.
• Please pray for safe travels and that both my standby flights would go smoothly.

Nathan Phillips

US Address
5422 16th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98106 USA

Sending church
Southcenter Community Baptist Church
Pastor Scott Clements
14742 Macadam Rd S. Tukwila, WA 98168 USA

Mission Address
Bibles & Literature in French
P.O. Box 629 Wheaton, IL 60189-0629 USA
630-221-1980 •
Rue de Maubeuge 59164 Marpent, France


Hello everyone
Here is my September update. I currently have 64% of my monthly support.
Thank you for your prayers. You can either download the version I
designed to look nice or just read the text in this email.

To download this newsletter in color click here:

If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it for free

God bless
Nathan Phillips



During the month of August I escaped from Washington state while visiting churches. August 5th I was spoke at Parkview Bible Fellowship in Boise, Idaho. The eight hour drive on August 4th took me along I-90 to I-82 and I-84 to Boise. This was the longest single drive that I have made by myself. The drive from Seattle to Idaho stayed
interesting because most of it is either up or down several mountain ranges. The word Boise means ‘woods’ in French and after seeing Boise from the east I could see how someone would call it that after traveling over the treeless mountains and coming to the forested area of Boise. I spoke both in the adult Sunday school and the morning message. On August 11th I drove south on I5 four hours to Salem, Oregon to share with Bethany Baptist Church.

At Bethany I presented to the middle school students during the Sunday School hour. They should now all be experts on reaching the French world for Christ. The pastor at Bethany is Tim Baker a long time friend of my sending pastor Scott Clements. After church my hosts for the weekend took me thirty miles east of Salem to Silver Falls State Park. The park has many miles of trails and several waterfalls. We took to the trails for the two largest falls, the North Falls and the South Falls. Silver Falls is a great park with lots of shaded trails. I recommend it for anyone that finds yourself near Salem. When I got back from enjoying the falls I was exhausted, so I took a nice two hour mandatory nap before hitting I-5 North through Portland into Washington and back to Seattle.

Living Water
The fourteenth of July is the French national holiday celebrating its freedom from the tyrannical King Louis XVII. It is the equivalent to what the Fourth of July is to America. On July fourteenth, but unrelated to anything French, mychurch, Southcenter Community Baptist, participated in the Tukwila Days community festival with a booth of information about our church. We distributed cold bottled water for no charge during
the warm July day. We kept the water cold in coolers until just before it got to the hand of labeled the bottles with information about our church and the Bible verse John 4:14 (But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst). I have to say that it is really fun to hand out something free that people want. Some people were really shocked to get free water without a ‘catch’.

Needle in the Foot
In my last letter I told you about my bad sprained ankle. I am glad to say that my ankle is much better, but I have to report that the same foot ran into more trouble. In August after the rug was vacuumed I walked across the floor getting ready for work.
My right foot found a needle that had been pulled up from the vacuum. I heard a snap as it went in. I found the larger half of the three inch needle but the smaller part had broken off and was no where to be found. I went in to work as scheduled but I couldn’t put any pressure on my right heel because of the pain. The next day I had
to get it checked out and see if the missing half was embedded in my foot. After getting my foot X-rayed at the Emergency Room the doctor was able to tell me that, yes, he had found the rest of the needle. The inch long needle was sticking up five
millimeters from the skin on the bottom of my foot. After a painful Novocain shot a different doctor was able to cut into my foot and pull out the invading metal after a painful Novocain shot. I received one stitch to hold my foot back together. Now after some time to heal I am back to hiking weekly. Also two months ago my mom was in a car wreck where her right ankle was broken and her left was badly sprained. She is now up and walking slowly.

On the road again...
In September I was on the road again. I attended the Baptist Network Northwest Pastor and Wives Retreat September 10th to the 13th. It was a great time of relaxation and fellowship. Here are some places where I have been and will be this fall. September 16th - Mount Tahoma Baptist Church in Lakewood, WA. Mount Tahoma is the Native American name given to Mount Rainier. September 23rd - Faith Baptist Church of Skagit Valley in Burlington, WA. September 30th - Calvary Crossroads in East Wenatchee, WA. October 26th, 27th & 28th - Southside Baptist Church in Tacoma, WA. November 11th - Trinity Baptist Church in Yakima, WA.
November 18th - EmmanuelBaptist Church